Steven E. Landsburg is a misogynistic idiot.
Read this article at your own risk. Yes, women are chokers. It is our standard m.o. for dealing with idiots. I cannot even properly consider how to argue this article without becoming violently angry. And before someone snidely says, "I'm choking," may I remind you: I am a vampire, do not need to breathe, and will bite your jugular to make your blood spray in a pretty Kill Bill way.
Or beat you senseless with a tennis racket. Whichever.
What the fuck is Slate thinking by publishing this fool's articles? It seems this isn't the first incredibly stupid thing he's written that demeans women and women's issues.
Read this article at your own risk. Yes, women are chokers. It is our standard m.o. for dealing with idiots. I cannot even properly consider how to argue this article without becoming violently angry. And before someone snidely says, "I'm choking," may I remind you: I am a vampire, do not need to breathe, and will bite your jugular to make your blood spray in a pretty Kill Bill way.
Or beat you senseless with a tennis racket. Whichever.
What the fuck is Slate thinking by publishing this fool's articles? It seems this isn't the first incredibly stupid thing he's written that demeans women and women's issues.